Monday, November 3, 2008

YOU matter! YOUR vote matters! matters!

What a wonderful time to be an American! How incredibly blessed we are to be alive during this amazing time in history! How AWESOME is it that the Democrats have nominated a black man for President and the Republican candidate has chosen a woman as his VP running mate? OMG. Read the previous sentence again and let it sink in…

Just for a minute…

Forget each candidate’s name or party affiliation. Take yourself out of the perception you’ve become so familiar with and just breathe in the diversity of this ticket. Isn’t it beautiful? Doesn’t it just seem right?

Come dream with me. My optimism and hope never seem to fail me. I’m sure I have enough for all of us to share. I feel a glimmer of hope it might be possible we, as Americans, really can live, love, laugh, share and pay it forward, regardless the color of our skin. My eyes well up and I blink away tears when I witness the white man embrace the black man. I can’t help but beam with pride as a woman stands strong beside the men.

Each candidate brings to the table his or her own set of ups and downs, after all they are only human. In spite of all the mudslinging and endless smoke and mirrors, I can find a way to rejoice in the information being shared. I admire the devotion of the crowds and easily find myself cheering along as their emotion lifts me into a frenzy of support and admiration. I feel their eager. Both candidates truly believe they are the one to bring “change”. All of the ardent supporters who choose to follow the leader they follow share their candidates same fire!

This time around it’s apparent to me most people are voting FOR someone as opposed to AGAINST someone. More than ever, this time around, every vote counts! Whether you lean all the way left or totally to the right YOU matter, YOUR vote matters, VOTE…it matters!

Speak freely! Let’s rock this vote! You have a voice, be heard! VOTE!

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